Choose a mode
(set: $mode to "Easy")
(set: $Economy to 100)
(set: $Food to 100)
(set: $Military to 100)
(set: $Diplomacy to 100)
(go-to: "Start")(set: $mode to "Hard")
(set: $Economy to 50)
(set: $Food to 50)
(set: $Military to 50)
(set: $Diplomacy to 50)
(go-to: "Start")You have chosen $mode mode.
But I need to know your name first, Your Highness.
[[My name is | Name]](set: $Name to (prompt: "What was your name again?" , ""))
(go-to: "Gender")You wake up in a soothing texture of a bed. You look around and noticed that you do not know where you are.
[[Keep looking around| Finding a Lady]]
[[Just rest for the mean time | Lady Shows Up]]
(link: "Skip Story and Play Game -->")[(go-to: "Continue")]There is a lady beside your bed, wearing a nice maid-gown. But you can not recognize her.
[[Who the hell are you?! | Lady Scared]]
[[What is your name? | Lady Intro]]You heard some humming next to you.
[[Take a look | Finding a Lady]]The lady freaked out. "I am sorry, Your Majesty." she said while bowing and barely looking at you. "I am your maid for today, $Gender $Name. My name is Clarete. I didn't mean to wake you up."
[[Keep Listening | Her Reason]]"My $Gender, I am Clarete. I am here to serve you."
[[Serve me? | Her Reason]]Are you a Queen or a King?
[[King | King]]
[[Queen | Queen]](set: $Gender to "King")
(go-to: "First Dialouge")(set: $Gender to "Queen")
(go-to: "First Dialouge")The lady then put a [[tray | tray]] beside your bed. And then she left. You kept an eye on her until she leaves the room.
She closed the wooden door that has a golden carvings in it. The edges were filled with precious stones. Indeed, that lady isn't lying. You are a $Gender.
You then,
[[Sit up on your bed and eat the breakfast | Wandering]]
[[Wander around the room | Wandering]]It is full of bread and meat. And some whole Mango and Oranges beside it.
[[Pay Attention back to Clarete | Her Reason]]You've gotten more and more curious. You do not believe you are a royal. You have no memory of what has happened.
[[Examine your body | Examine body]]You noticed that you have a wound on your head. It's not that much. But maybe it is the reason why you can't remember what happened.
For now, it may help to just eat. Maybe you just need more energy to realize what is going on.
[[Grab the tray | Get the Tray]]The mysteries might be solved later. For now, you decided that eating may help you. After all, energy is what a normal person needs.
[[Eat the fruits first | Eating Fruits]]
[[Eat the meats first | Eating Meats]]
[[Change your mind and just thought of a reason why you are here | MindChange]]You liked the Mango's sweetness. But hated the tasteless-ness of the banana.
[[Start eating the meat| Eating Meats]]"Eeelch" you say. The meat is raw. The blood flowed from the now-stinky piece of "food".
You didn't took any closer look and decided to throw the meat away. It left a trail of nasty trace of liquid.
[[Call Clarete | Call]]
[[Wonder why the meat is raw | Curious Bastard]]You took a closer look to the meat. You discovered that not only it is raw, it is rotten. You lifted the meat with your hand and saw more blood flowing vicous.
The meat looks like a normal food at first glance. It is coated by spices. Some basil leaf, pepper, and the wet marinating sauce of it. It looked tasty on the outside.
But the insides is raw. With rotten meat tissue. Maggots are wandering around it. --Some are cutted in half. Sure, you didn't liked the taste of worms now.
[[Shout Angrily | Clarete Came]]You shouted but the maid didn't replied. Maybe she is not nearby. You asked yourself.
[[Why is the meat raw? | Curious Bastard]]You changed your mind. And decided to think a little more. But the more you tried to remember a thing, the more you get more and more headaches. It is as if there is something preventing you to use your memories.
[[Eat the fruits | Eating Fruits]]
[[Eat the Meats | Eating Meats]]Clarete rushed towards the room as she heard you scream her name. She saw the thrown meat on the ground and wondered what has happened.
"What's the problem, Your Majesty?" she asked, scared.
[[Ask her kindly why is the meat raw | Ask Clarete]]
[[Tell her nothing | Don't Ask Clarete]]
Population - $Population
Democracy - $Democracy/100| Dictatorship - $Dictatorship/100
Economy - $Economy | Food and Needs - $Food % | Military - $Military | Diplomacy - $Diplomacy
She said that everything is normal and that the meat is actually good. She advices you to see [[The Head Wizard | HeadWizard]]. You felt something weird is going on.
[["Who's the head wizard?" | HeadWizard]] you whispered.You chose not to tell her: an attempt to hide that you are feeling weird. But a shadow of [[someone | HeadWizard]] entered the room.{
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
<div class="GoLeft">(link: "Save Game")[(save-game: "Slot A")]</div>Someone entered the room. A man with a black robe and pointy hat. The robe has a symbol of a cross in red. You can not see his face. It is getting weirder and weirder.
[["What is happening?" | AskWizard]] you asked them. Clueless of anything.The man introduced himself, "Call me 'Marcus', My $Gender". He is a shaman to the Head Wizard he named "Altah".
"I am new here," he said. "And I heard a scream, I rushed here. I am sorry for going here without orders, $Gender $Name."
You forgave him. And asked him [[if he knows what is going on | AskShaman]]Both the maid and shaman frowned. But the shaman answered:
[["We are not sure what you mean, your Highness, but if you have a question, you can ask the Head Wizard himself. | AnsweredShaman]]You asked them how to talk with the Head Wizard. But they said that your [[Kingdom | Query]] is under crises. Perhaps, if you are a $Gender you must've a kingdom to rule.
They waited for your response,
[["I can not rule any Kingdom" | Deny]]
[["What Kingdom?" | Query]]The Kingdom is called $KingdomName. And they gave you a map of your territory. And then the list of crises your land is facing.
Knowing there is no other way to talk with the High Wizard about what is wrong with you, you accepted the resposibility.
[[Continue.. | GameStart]]
(set: $EcoValue to 10)
(set: $Economy to ($Economy + $EcoValue))You denied but they insisted that you do your job. So the maid showed you what the [["Kingdom | Query]] is. They must've an idea of what is going on..Welcome to $KingdomName, $Gender $Name
I am your General Adviser. My job is to keep you informed of how leadership works, because I can sense you have no clue of what is going on.
Your mission is to keep the kingdom running. You will have to make decisions that will affect our land.
You can see the effects on the lower-part of the screen. [[Here]], I will explain to you.Below the screen are the stats. There, you can know the current situation of the Kingdom.
You will have to balance Democracy and Dictatorship. --Too much is the last thing that we want.
You'll also have to make sure that our stats are good and sustainable. Failure to keep this will result to a disaster.
[[Continue]]Every decision will affect the stats, so better be careful on your actions. Also note that your decisions, $Gender $Name, can make you closer to the Head Wizard.
Later, situations will arrive. So, be ready.
[[I am ready |Situation]](set: $situation to "Hello, World!")
(set: $situation to (either: ...$array))
(if: $situation is "1") [(go-to: "Problem1")]
(if: $situation is "2") [(go-to: "Problem2")]
(if: $situation is "3") [(go-to: "Problem3")]
(if: $array's length is 0)[(go-to: "Introduction")](set: $array to it - (a: "1"))
Our Rival Kingdom of Ozniacs raided the village again. Our men are killed, women are sold, and children were abducted to be sacrificed to their idol Kahvah. They also stole our resources from the North and burned our Halls.
After their offense, they immediately went back to their land. This suggests that they have no intentions of invasion and is just interested in our gold, as our Diplomat Officer Barmes suggests. Our Cabinet took care of the citizens. It is up to you to decide what should we do to Ozniacs.
(LINK: "Prepare and launch an offensive")[(go-to: "Attack Ozniac")]
[[Talk with the King of Ozniacs | Solution-Two]]
[[Ignore the situation | Solution-Three]](if: $Diplomacy >= 90) [(go-to: "Talk with King")]
(else:)[(go-to: "At War")](set: $Military to ($Military - 20))
(set: $Economy to ($Economy - 15))
(set: $Food to ($Food - 5))
(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship + 5))
(set: $Democracy to it - (5))
(go-to: "Situation") (set: $array to it - (a: "2"))\
The rising number of activists is alarming for your Secretary of Defense. Every week, a demonstration or two is held in from of Monarch Facilities and the Wizardry Schools.
Last time, a protest was held in front of Livsburg Wizardry and one of the anarchist broke out and destroyed a collection of expensive potions. The [[anarchist]] was later arrested.
[[Declare a full militarized state to the Kingdom | Martial]]
[[Talk the demands of the activists | Peace]]
[[Talk to the Head Masters for controlling the protesters | Guidance]]
[[Ignore the situation | Deny the Protest]](set: $Food to ($Food - 50))\
(set: $Prob3 to "True")\
(set: $Military to ($Military +100))\
(set: $array to it - (a: "3"))\
Famine has struck our Kingdom. This is due to series of natural disasters that destroyed the crops and led the farms and barns to bankrupcry. Protests is being held everywhere: the citizens are demanding help from the government.
Governors from various provinces have resigned their jobs, and those who stayed are threatened to execution by the people.
The Kingdom is in crisis.
[[Declare Emergency and launch an invasion to the nearest kingdom: Ozniac|Attack Ozniac]]
[[Ask help from neighboring Kingdoms| Ask Help From KD]]
[[Use the resignation of governors as an escapegoat and resign | You Resigned]]
[[Ignore the Famine]]The Anarchist was later revealed to be a student from Livsburg. He calls himself "X" and said that he loves to show dismay to the current system of your government. Although, your intel says the opposite: X wants to destroy stuff and join rallies, even if he doesn't really know what the protest is for.
Several protest groups say that these anarchist are burden. They always hijack peaceful demonstrations. They want you to punish him.
[[Believe X]]
[[Execute X publicly]]
[[Have X vanish from the Kingdom]](set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship + 20))
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy - 20))
(set: $Military to ($Military + 15))
(set: $Economy to ($Economy - 15))
(set: $Food to ($Food - 10))
(set: $Population to ($Population - 5))
(go-to: "Situation")(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship - 10))
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy + 10))
(set: $Military to ($Military - 15))
(set: $Economy to ($Economy - 5))
(set: $Food to ($Food - 10))
(set: $Population to ($Population - 5))
(go-to: "Situation")(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship + 20))
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy - 20))
(set: $Military to ($Military + 5))
(set: $Food to ($Food - 10))
(set: $Population to ($Population - 5))
(go-to: "Situation")(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship + 20))
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy - 20))
(set: $Military to ($Military - 15))
(set: $Economy to ($Economy - 15))
(set: $Food to ($Food - 10))
(set: $Population to ($Population - 5))
(go-to: "Situation")(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship - 5))
(set: $CitizenX to 1)
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy - 10))
(set: $handleCitX to "believed X")
(go-to: "CloneProb1")(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy + 5))
(set: $Population to ($Population - 3))
(set: $CitizenX to 2)
(set: $handleCitX to "imposed death penalty to the anarchist")
(go-to: "CloneProb1")(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy + 10))
(set: $CitizenX to 3)
(set: $Military to ($Military + 3))
(set: $handleCitX to "sent X into exile")
(go-to: "CloneProb1")(if: $Military >= 100) [(go-to: "Attack Success")]
(if: $Military < 100) [(go-to: "Failed Attack")](if: $Diplomacy >= 100) [(go-to: "Help Success")]
(else:)[(go-to: "Help Failed")](go-to: "Ruling Failure")(go-to: "Food Failure")We tried to gather your men and have a full offense on the Ozniacs. But your men simply was not ready for an attack and the enemies handled our blow. They attack us back in full invasion surrounding the Kingdom.
Due to exhaustion on previously failed attack, our men failed to defend the Kingdom. We lost the battle. The last troops defending already surrendered.
The Ozniac Army gathered surrounding the Palace. They demand for your head chopped off.
(link: "Surrender the Throne") [(go-to: "Military Failure")]Your best military generals formed an offense and attacked the Ozniacs. They managed to earn resources like foods and needs. Your men also brought the statue of their idol Kahvah home. It is up to you to declare the next action.
[[Leave the Oznia and destroy Kahvah in front of them | Humiliate Kahvah]]
[[Leave the Oznia and sell Kahvah to other Kingdoms | Sell Kahvah]]
[[Conquer the Oznia and destroy Kahvah in front of them | Conquer and Humiliate]]
[[Conquer the Oznia and sell Kahvah to other Kingdoms | Conquer and Sell]]
(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship + 10))\
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy + 20))\
(set: $Military to ($Military - 5))\
(set: $Food to ($Food + 100))\
(set: $Population to ($Population - 5))(set: $Diplomacy to ($Diplomacy - 20))
(go-to: "Situation")(if: $Diplomacy >= 100)[(go-to: "Sell Success")]
(else:)[(go-to: "Sell Failed")](set: $Military to ($Military + 50))
(set: $Diplomacy to ($Diplomacy - 20))
(if: $array's 1st is "1")[(set: $array to it - (a: "1"))]
(go-To: "Situation")(set: $Military to ($Military + 20))
(if: $array's 1st is "1")[(set: $array to it - (a: "1"))]
(if: $Diplomacy >= 100)[(go-to: "Sell Success")]
(else:)[(go-to: "Sell Failed")]<p> The military is incapable anymore. You lost control over the Kingdom and you got executed.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Kingdom Name")]
</p>Your neighboring countries heard your request but they did not care at all and just let you suffer.
Your people is still experiencing the famine. And is getting more and more angry.
[[Launch an attack to your neighbor Kingdom Ozniac |Attack Ozniac]]
[[Sell your assets to other Kingdom | Sell Assets]]You got help from you neighboring Kingdoms. You now have the choice what to do with it.
(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship + 15))\
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy - 20))\
(set: $Military to ($Military + 5))\
(set: $Food to ($Food - 10))\
(set: $Population to ($Population - 5))\
[[Be Authoritarian in distribution]]
[[Be Fair in distribution]]
[[Be Corrupt in distribution]]
[[Do not distribute]]You sold the idol and another Kingdom bought it.
(set: $Economy to ($Economy + 50))
(link: "Continue")[(go-to: "Situation")]You sold the idol but nobody bought it.
(set: $Economy to ($Economy - 5))
(link: "Continue")[(go-to: "Situation")](set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship + 15))
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy - 40))
(set: $Military to ($Military + 5))
(set: $Food to ($Food - 10))
(set: $Population to ($Population - 5))
(go-to: "Situation")(set: $Dictatorship to ($Dictatorship - 15))
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy + 20))
(set: $Military to ($Military + 5))
(set: $Food to ($Food + 10))
(set: $Population to ($Population + 5))
(go-to: "Situation")(go-to: "Dictatorship Failure")The people got mad by your irresposibility and gathered around the Palace to start a Revolution. Men and Women marched to the Capitol and raided markets and shops. Bakeries suspected of keeping breads for themselves are tresspassed. And anyone who attempts to store food is killed.
(if: $Military is >100)[
Your military generals say that they are capable of controlling them and is urging you to [[declare a Martial Law. | Declare Martial Law]]
Your adviser, however, suggests that you [[talk and agree |negotiate]] with the anarchists.
(else:)[Your men is incapable of controlling them. But you still can do something.
[[Negotiate with your people and agree with their demands.|negotiate]]
]You declared militarization and authorized your military generals to take over almost all of the Kingdom. The country is divided now. Those who are loyal to you, and those who are against you.
<!-- Subject for improvement -->
(link: "Continue") [(go-to: "Dictatorship Failure")]You agreed by the demands of the people: You gave them food and you held back your troops. They began returning home, but this event had affected your score in democracy.
(set: $Democracy to ($Democracy - 50))
(link: "Continue")[(go-to: "Situation")](if: $Diplomacy >= 100)[(go-to: "Sell Asset Success")]
(else:)[(go-to: "Sell Asset Failed")]You sold the idol both nobody bought it. You people had enough and decided to revolt against you, the $Gender.
They marched, towards the capitol and surrounded the Palace. They are demanding for your head.
(set: $Economy to ($Economy - 50))
(link: "Continue")[(go-to: "Dictatorship Failure")]You sold your historical landmarks and another Kingdom bought it.
(set: $Economy to ($Economy + 50))
(set: $Military to ($Military - 20))
(set: $Food to ($Food + 50))
(link: "Continue")[(go-to: "Situation")]<p> The people didn't liked you ruling and decided to rise up. The military rebelled will not protect you anymore.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Kingdom Name")]
</p><p> You failed to rule your people and decided to resign. Your chance to meet the Head Wizard is gone.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Kingdom Name")]
</p><p> The Economy failed. The citizens rose up and revolted to the increasing number of the Kingdom's debt. It is over.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Kingdom Name")]
</p><p> Women gathered to the streets, their sons and daughters have nothing to eat. There is no soldier to defend you, as they are hungry too.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Kingdom Name")]
</p><p> The people fell in-love with democracy too much. They decided to oust you without a reason.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Kingdom Name")]
</p><p> The neighboring Kingdoms have been planning an attack against you. And last night, they united and launched an invasion. The Defense Ministry failed to defend the Kingdom.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Introduction")]
</p><p> Ooopss, you are supposed to rule a Kingdom. If there is no population, there is nothing to rule.
(link: "Go Back To Main Menu") [(go-to: "Introduction")]
</p>(if: $Dictatorship is 100) [(go-to: "Dictatorship Failure")]
(if: $Economy <= 0) [(go-to: "Economy Failure")]
(if: $Democracy is 100) [(go-to: "Democracy Failure")]
(if: $Military <= 0) [(go-to: "Military Failure")]
(if: $Population <= 0) [(go-to: "Population Failure")]
(if: $Food <= 0) [(go-to: "Food Failure")]
(if: $Diplomacy <= 0) [(go-to: "Diplomacy Failure")]You $handleCitX. But what should we do about the other protests?
[[Declare a full militarized state to the Kingdom | Martial]]
[[Talk the demands of the activists | Peace]]
[[Talk to the Head Masters for controlling the protesters | Guidance]]
[[Ignore the situation | Deny the Protest]](if: $Mssg2Oznia is "No")[(set: $CondTextA to "Maybe you should've sent a messenger.")] (else:)[(set: $CondTextA to "")]\
You and your men marched to the gates of Oznia. It took you three days to reach the first Ozniac City of Balbakka. Soldiers in red armor met you at the boundary. None of them looks like they about to allow you to enter. They began straighting their lines and a man that wears a different gold-colored clothes and cape stood in front. They don't look like they've been expecting you. $CondTextA
[[Continue | TWK2]](set: $Mssg2Oznia to "Yes")
You attempted to reach out for their King. However, the messenger you sent to Oznia hasn't been home for a few months now. This could only mean one thing, a loyal member of the military is long dead. This is humiliation to the face of our fellow countrymen.
But your military advisers are giving you a different point-of-view. The Ozniacs are declaring war against us, $KingdomName. And it is not impossible that a few moments now would mean another attack from the enemies.
"We should [[evacuate the people and prepare for a war |Talk with King]]" you told General Cosme, one of your officials, as you fear that you will be forced to have an offensive blow towards the Ozniacs.The only general that went with you, General Cosme, ordered the soldiers to prepare. Archers armed, swords were drawn, as you nearing the enemy lines.
[[Let them prepare and walk on | TWK3-A]]
[[Order your general to undo his orders| TWK3-B]]
[[Stop marching and rest | TWK3-C]]
[[Abort Mission and head back to the Kingdom | Retreat TWK]]You and your soldiers continued forward. Each step is closer than the last one.
The Ozniac lines began getting thicker and thicker with more soldiers. A few moments later, you noticed that you are about to get outnumbered. General Cosme approached again and asked you.
"Do you think we should withdraw?"
[[Yes]] | [[No]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<h1> DIARY OF THY MAJESTY </h1>
(link: "Kingdom Name") [(set: $KingdomName to (prompt: "Enter the Kingdom Name","")) (if: $KingdomName != 0)[(go-to: "Introduction")]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(link: "Load Game")[(load-game: "Slot A")]]
(else:)[(go-to: "Kingdom Name")]]
(set: $Population to 1001)\
(set: $Democracy to 50)\
(set: $Dictatorship to 50)\
(set: $Economy to 1)\
(set: $Food to 1)\
(set: $Diplomacy to 1)\
(set: $Military to 1)\
(set: $array to (a: "1","2","3"))